Sunday, April 29, 2007

Snooty wittle Fwench pwicks!

According to this recent Reuters opinion poll, the snobbery of the Fwench is without borders. Out of the six nations surveyed, a greater percentage of Fwench thought disfavorably of themselves than any other. A staggering 44% of Fwench people gave themselves a bad grade, as opposed to just 38% of Americans. Personally, I think they must have fudged the numbers or asked the wrong Americans...they certainly didn't ask the folks in my neck of the woods. I would've expected that percentage to have been much higher. The only thing Fwench that we havn't boycotted is "Fwench Fries" ('cause they ain't FWENCH). But, nevertheless, the Fwenchies are snobs and it's not personal. They hate everyone...including themselves. Apparently their pals, the Germans, like them the best with only 14 percent of participants frowning on the snooty little pricks. Not to fear, though; Their self esteem should go up as soon as they become the "Islamic Republic of France".